Sermons on Parenting

I CHOOSE – Week 4

“Important over Urgent” We are the result of our decisions. While we agonize over little things like what to wear and what to eat, are we glossing over the big choices? There might be more on the line than you thought when you say “I Choose.” In this message series, we’ll learn to be intentional…

Love Like Jesus – Week 1

“Forgives Sinners” There’s so much pain and hurt in the world, sometimes it’s hard to see anything else. But what if, when we looked around, all we saw was love? The greatest sacrifice in history shows us how to make it happen. Let’s learn to Love Like Jesus.


“Ambassadors” How do you see yourself? A masterpiece or a mess? Survivor or struggler? Advocate or critic? Getting perspective on how God sees you might give you a new view of yourself.

FEAR NOT – Week 2

“Afraid Of What Others Think About You” Fear attacks us right where our faith lives and keeps us from stepping into the plans God has for us. This Christmas season, Fear Not will help us overcome fear and transform it into faith and obedience. With messages on the angels’ visits to Mary, Joseph, and the…

TXT – Week 3

“STUDYING GOD’S WORD” The Bible is much more than a book of stories and rules from the past. It’s rich with a relevant message God has for us today. Join us as we discover how to engage with the Bible like never before and how to apply it to our lives each and every day.


“Power” What would happen if we truly embraced our opportunity to become a fully devoted follower of Christ? What if we quit letting our choices keep us from being all that God created us to be? We could become an unstoppable force. Join us as we look forward to what God has in store for us.