“Away in a Manger” God is with us – in answered promises, realized dreams, and refreshed hope. How could we help but sing? Let’s explore the songs born from our joy that Christ has entered the world.
“Away in a Manger” God is with us – in answered promises, realized dreams, and refreshed hope. How could we help but sing? Let’s explore the songs born from our joy that Christ has entered the world.
“Gratitude Through Generosity” With Luke 17:18 as a starting point, this message will teach one way that we as believers can demonstrate our gratitude is by blessing others in Jesus’ name. We honor God by giving Him the glory and credit for those things that we do in response to what He has done for…
“Gratitude Through Obedience” Trust is built on precedence. The longer track-record someone has of being truthful, loyal, and supportive the more we are able to trust them. God is infinitely truthful and faithful. Therefore, we can trust Him even when what we feel him calling us to seems impossible or even counter productive. Because of…
“Gratitude Defined” “Thank you.” It’s a phrase most of us learn at an early age. Our parents teach us to show respect and gratitude by telling those that serve us, care for us, or bless us in some way by saying these two words. Often times the cynicism that comes with maturity can create within…
“Your End Times” Whether Jesus returns in your lifetime or not, the end of your life will come on earth and you’ll have to face one of two judgments. This message talks about those two judgments today and also answers the question, “What will Heaven be like?”
“The Return of Christ” Life as we know it won’t last forever. So what happens when this world ceases to exist? And does it matter in the here and now? Let’s look to the Bible for answers as we explore The End.
“Getting Your Edge Back” Can you imagine what could happen if we gave control of our life to God? It’s scary, but the benefits are world-altering. The story of Elisha challenges us to answer God’s calling and take the risks that are necessary to do His will. It’s time we start taking risks and making decisions the…
“Collecting Jars” Can you imagine what could happen if we gave control of our life to God? It’s scary, but the benefits are world-altering. The story of Elisha challenges us to answer God’s calling and take the risks that are necessary to do His will. It’s time we start taking risks and making decisions the world doesn’t…
“Digging Ditches” Can you imagine what could happen if we gave control of our life to God? It’s scary, but the benefits are world-altering. The story of Elisha challenges us to answer God’s calling and take the risks that are necessary to do His will. It’s time we start taking risks and making decisions the world doesn’t…
“Get Your Call On” Can you imagine what could happen if we gave control of our life to God? It’s scary, but the benefits are world-altering. The story of Elisha challenges us to answer God’s calling and take the risks that are necessary to do His will. It’s time we start taking risks and making decisions the…