“Depression” An angry king. Devastating drought. Epic opposition. And one man who overcomes it all. When the world around us is spinning out of control, where do we turn? Join us as we learn from Elijah.
“Expectation” On Thanksgiving Day, when you are sitting around the table sharing your blessings, it’s easy to feel thankful. But we all have to work to maintain a grateful spirit every other day. Perhaps it would help to identify some of the thieves of our thankfulness and see how the bible shows us to overcome…
“Why Am I Here?” The best expression of the church is found in the idea of the “focus of God’s love”. The analogy of a bride is used to show the important and special relationship God has with the church. God’s only plan is for the church to represent this loving relationship to this world…
“WHY DIDN’T GOD ANSWER MY PRAYER?” The call we never expect…the diagnosis that knocks us off our feet…the regrets that keep us up at night. How could God let it happen? Why didn’t He answer that prayer? What does it mean when He feels distant? He welcomes our questions.
“Overcomer” How do you see yourself? A masterpiece or a mess? Survivor or struggler? Advocate or critic? Getting perspective on how God sees you might give you a new view of yourself.
“Ambassadors” How do you see yourself? A masterpiece or a mess? Survivor or struggler? Advocate or critic? Getting perspective on how God sees you might give you a new view of yourself.
“I Quit Living In Fear” Fed up with the status quo? The way things are isn’t the way things have to be. Come see what happens when we’re ready to say, “I quit.”
“STUDYING GOD’S WORD” The Bible is much more than a book of stories and rules from the past. It’s rich with a relevant message God has for us today. Join us as we discover how to engage with the Bible like never before and how to apply it to our lives each and every day.
“Power” What would happen if we truly embraced our opportunity to become a fully devoted follower of Christ? What if we quit letting our choices keep us from being all that God created us to be? We could become an unstoppable force. Join us as we look forward to what God has in store for us.