Sermons on Generosity (Page 3)


“Unstoppable Courage” What would happen if we truly embraced our opportunity to become a fully devoted follower of Christ? What if we quit letting our choices keep us from being all that God created us to be? We could become an unstoppable force. Join us as we look forward to what God has in store for…

Stay Positive – Week 3

“I’m Generous” Cynicism and negativity may be the easy choice, but they’re not the best choice. If you seek what’s good, you’ll see what’s good. Let’s embrace the way we’re created to think and Stay Positive. This series helps us learn to be grateful, confident, enthusiastic and more in spite of all the negativity we experience in this…

OUTLOUD – Week 3

“Gratitude Through Generosity” With Luke 17:18 as a starting point, this message will teach one way that we as believers can demonstrate our gratitude is by blessing others in Jesus’ name.  We honor God by giving Him the glory and credit for those things that we do in response to what He has done for…

When You Can’t Do It All

Week 1 People, and the world at large, have a multitude of needs.  As followers of Jesus, we are called to minister to needs.  Acknowledge you have limited time and opportunities.  To be effective, and avoid burn-out, “do for one what you wish you could do for everyone”. (Andy Stanley)  Be willing to commit to…