Week 4 – “Bless This Home”
Week 4 – “Bless This Home”
“Bless This Home” – Week 3
Bless This Home – Week 1 We want our family to enjoy peace, happiness, and contentment, but so often we stumble through our most important relationships. In “Bless This Home,” discover four family-altering qualities: purity, peace, righteousness, and persecution.
GET OUT! – Week 2 Audio for this message is not available…sorry for the inconvenience!
Prayer – Week 3
Prayer – Week 2
Prayer – Week 1
Joy – Week 4 Over these next few weeks, we’ll explore some of the barriers that keep us from joy. We’ll smile as we reflect on the people in our lives that have encouraged us on our journeys. We’ll learn, maybe for the first time, what it means to die to sin.
Joy – Week 3 This week’s message helps us to not get lost in the things around us, hoping to find joy in them. We’re reminded to let those things point us to the true source of JOY.
Be Here Now – Week 4 Easter Sunday 2015 – Jesus pursues us even though He knows everything about us. The amazing thing is that He still chooses to be present in our lives even though we often fail to recognize Him.