“O Come All Ye Faithful” God is with us – in answered promises, realized dreams, and refreshed hope. How could we help but sing? Let’s explore the songs born from our joy that Christ has entered the world.
“O Come All Ye Faithful” God is with us – in answered promises, realized dreams, and refreshed hope. How could we help but sing? Let’s explore the songs born from our joy that Christ has entered the world.
“O Holy Night” God is with us – in answered promises, realized dreams, and refreshed hope. How could we help but sing? Let’s explore the songs born from our joy that Christ has entered the world.
“Gratitude in Worship” All of us at one point or another have had our reflexes checked by our doctor. Reflexes that work correctly always respond the strike of a doctor’s instrument. Likewise, the reflex of a grateful heart for God is worship of God. When we have a healthy awareness of God’s goodness on display…
“Gratitude Through My Story” An appreciation of a great meal or riveting movie most often results in our recommendation for others to try them also. Our appreciation of God’s saving work in our lives should result in the same. All too often believers seem to think that a vast understanding of theology and doctrine is…
“Gratitude Through Generosity” With Luke 17:18 as a starting point, this message will teach one way that we as believers can demonstrate our gratitude is by blessing others in Jesus’ name. We honor God by giving Him the glory and credit for those things that we do in response to what He has done for…
“Gratitude Through Obedience” Trust is built on precedence. The longer track-record someone has of being truthful, loyal, and supportive the more we are able to trust them. God is infinitely truthful and faithful. Therefore, we can trust Him even when what we feel him calling us to seems impossible or even counter productive. Because of…
When we’re surrounded by much but fulfilled by little, frustrated, or just plain tired, life’s burdens feel especially heavy. Learn how we can reclaim peace and joy as we Never Lose Heart.
“Digging Ditches” Can you imagine what could happen if we gave control of our life to God? It’s scary, but the benefits are world-altering. The story of Elisha challenges us to answer God’s calling and take the risks that are necessary to do His will. It’s time we start taking risks and making decisions the world doesn’t…
“Found Favor” – Week 2
“Found Favor” – Week 1 Some guys have all the luck. Ever look at those people and wonder how they lead such a charmed life? Is it just God playing favorites? Maybe there’s more going on than meets the eye. Let’s explore what’s happening when things go our way—and when they don’t—in Found Favor.