“God Wants You Happy” We love offering little nuggets of advice, support, or sympathy. They come in handy when we want people to feel better. But what if the guidance you’re giving or receiving just isn’t true? What if God Never Said That?
“God Wants You Happy” We love offering little nuggets of advice, support, or sympathy. They come in handy when we want people to feel better. But what if the guidance you’re giving or receiving just isn’t true? What if God Never Said That?
“God Won’t Give You More Than You Can Handle” We love offering little nuggets of advice, support, or sympathy. They come in handy when we want people to feel better. But what if the guidance you’re giving or receiving just isn’t true? What if God Never Said That?
“Depression” An angry king. Devastating drought. Epic opposition. And one man who overcomes it all. When the world around us is spinning out of control, where do we turn? Join us as we learn from Elijah.
“ONE FRIEND AWAY” Many of us don’t realize the importance of the people we choose to surround ourselves with. Our friends determine the quality and direction of our lives. In “Friends,” learn how good friends (and bad friends) can impact your feelings, your relationship with God, and your future.
“THE FOUNDATION OF FRIENDSHIP” Many of us don’t realize the importance of the people we choose to surround ourselves with. Our friends determine the quality and direction of our lives. In “Friends,” learn how good friends (and bad friends) can impact your feelings, your relationship with God, and your future.
Easter 2018 “THE RESURRECTION AND THE LIFE” To the dead man, Jesus was life. To the prostitute, He was a second chance. To the searching, He was the long-awaited answer. Discover what it means when He says, “I Am Jesus.”
“The Way, the Truth and the Life” To the dead man, Jesus was life. To the prostitute, He was a second chance. To the searching, He was the long-awaited answer. Discover what it means when He says, “I Am Jesus.”
“The Light of the World” To the dead man, Jesus was life. To the prostitute, He was a second chance. To the searching, He was the long-awaited answer. Discover what it means when He says, “I Am Jesus.”
“The Good Shepherd” To the dead man, Jesus was life. To the prostitute, He was a second chance. To the searching, He was the long-awaited answer. Discover what it means when He says, “I Am Jesus.”
“The Vine” To the dead man, Jesus was life. To the prostitute, He was a second chance. To the searching, He was the long-awaited answer. Discover what it means when He says, “I Am Jesus.”