Sermons on Matthew (Page 3)

Love Like Jesus – Week 1

“Forgives Sinners” There’s so much pain and hurt in the world, sometimes it’s hard to see anything else. But what if, when we looked around, all we saw was love? The greatest sacrifice in history shows us how to make it happen. Let’s learn to Love Like Jesus.


It’s no accident that we were created for this time and place in history. God wants to do big things through us in the here and now. Let’s learn about the part we get to play, because God’s Just Getting Started. *We did experience technical issues during the recording so there is a portion missing.

FEAR NOT – Week 2

“Afraid Of What Others Think About You” Fear attacks us right where our faith lives and keeps us from stepping into the plans God has for us. This Christmas season, Fear Not will help us overcome fear and transform it into faith and obedience. With messages on the angels’ visits to Mary, Joseph, and the…


“Life” What would happen if we truly embraced our opportunity to become a fully devoted follower of Christ? What if we quit letting our choices keep us from being all that God created us to be? We could become an unstoppable force. Join us as we look forward to what God has in store for us.