Sermons on Ephesians

THE PLAN – Week 7

“Motivation for the Plan” The best expression of the church is found in the idea of the “focus of God’s love”. The analogy of a bride is used to show the important and special relationship God has with the church. God’s only plan is for the church to represent this loving relationship to this world…

THE PLAN – Week 3

“Church Is…” The best expression of the church is found in the idea of the “focus of God’s love”. The analogy of a bride is used to show the important and special relationship God has with the church. God’s only plan is for the church to represent this loving relationship to this world so that…

THE PLAN – Week 1

“God’s Love” The best expression of the church is found in the idea of the “focus of God’s love”. The analogy of a bride is used to show the important and special relationship God has with the church. God’s only plan is for the church to represent this loving relationship to this world so that…


“Orphans Embraced” As the world grows more connected, our neighbors are closer than ever. You might not share a fence, but you can still share their burdens and joys. Each week we focus on a different aspect of how to build relationships with our neighbors and how to do good in the context of those…

Love Like Jesus – Week 2

“Washes Feet” There’s so much pain and hurt in the world, sometimes it’s hard to see anything else. But what if, when we looked around, all we saw was love? The greatest sacrifice in history shows us how to make it happen. Let’s learn to Love Like Jesus.


It’s no accident that we were created for this time and place in history. God wants to do big things through us in the here and now. Let’s learn about the part we get to play, because God’s Just Getting Started. *We did experience technical issues during the recording so there is a portion missing.