“Hope For The Underdog”
“Hope For The Underdog”
“ONE FRIEND AWAY” Many of us don’t realize the importance of the people we choose to surround ourselves with. Our friends determine the quality and direction of our lives. In “Friends,” learn how good friends (and bad friends) can impact your feelings, your relationship with God, and your future.
“WHY WOULD GOD USE ME?” The call we never expect…the diagnosis that knocks us off our feet…the regrets that keep us up at night. How could God let it happen? Why didn’t He answer that prayer? What does it mean when He feels distant? He welcomes our questions.
“Blessed With A Burden” Many people pray, “God, please bless me.” And God wants to bless you. But the blessings of God are often more than a new car, a bigger salary, and a better lifestyle. In the series, “Blessed,” we’ll experience firsthand some of God’s unusual blessings.
“I’m Enthusiastic!” Cynicism and negativity may be the easy choice, but they’re not the best choice. If you seek what’s good, you’ll see what’s good. Let’s embrace the way we’re created to think and Stay Positive. This series helps us learn to be grateful, confident, enthusiastic and more in spite of all the negativity we experience in this…