“Depression” An angry king. Devastating drought. Epic opposition. And one man who overcomes it all. When the world around us is spinning out of control, where do we turn? Join us as we learn from Elijah.
“Depression” An angry king. Devastating drought. Epic opposition. And one man who overcomes it all. When the world around us is spinning out of control, where do we turn? Join us as we learn from Elijah.
“Getting Your Edge Back” Can you imagine what could happen if we gave control of our life to God? It’s scary, but the benefits are world-altering. The story of Elisha challenges us to answer God’s calling and take the risks that are necessary to do His will. It’s time we start taking risks and making decisions the…
“Collecting Jars” Can you imagine what could happen if we gave control of our life to God? It’s scary, but the benefits are world-altering. The story of Elisha challenges us to answer God’s calling and take the risks that are necessary to do His will. It’s time we start taking risks and making decisions the world doesn’t…
“Digging Ditches” Can you imagine what could happen if we gave control of our life to God? It’s scary, but the benefits are world-altering. The story of Elisha challenges us to answer God’s calling and take the risks that are necessary to do His will. It’s time we start taking risks and making decisions the world doesn’t…
“Get Your Call On” Can you imagine what could happen if we gave control of our life to God? It’s scary, but the benefits are world-altering. The story of Elisha challenges us to answer God’s calling and take the risks that are necessary to do His will. It’s time we start taking risks and making decisions the…
Miracles are something we see all throughout the Bible. Miracles are an effect or extraordinary event in the physical world that surpasses all known human or natural powers and is ascribed to a supernatural cause. A miracle is when God shows up, disrupts, or interrupts. Say, “MIRACLES”! Read your Bible sometime honey, read your Bible.