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JOY – Week 2 We know God wants us to live a joyful life. The people around us – family, friends, and community play a part in that joy. At some point everyone experiences a joy gap. How can we encourage others through these periods? When do you need a joy encourager the most? During…
Joy – Week 1 Do you want to feel joy in your life? God wants you to experience joy in your life – it is part of His plan for you! Oftentimes we let others steal our joy. When we allow joy to happen we receive the many blessings God has given to us. Joy…
Be Here Now – Week 4 Easter Sunday 2015 – Jesus pursues us even though He knows everything about us. The amazing thing is that He still chooses to be present in our lives even though we often fail to recognize Him.
Week 3
Week 2 In Ex 3:14, God gives His Name as, “I AM WHO I AM”, in Hebrew, YHWH. His Name is a message, I EXIST, I AM EXISTENCE. The past is no more. The future is not here yet. The current moment exists. Tune to the moment, notice what EXISTS, be aware you are part…
Week 1 People, and the world at large, have a multitude of needs. As followers of Jesus, we are called to minister to needs. Acknowledge you have limited time and opportunities. To be effective, and avoid burn-out, “do for one what you wish you could do for everyone”. (Andy Stanley) Be willing to commit to…
Week 5 Join us as we conclude our series, Love Illuminated. With the help of C.S. Lewis and his book The Four Loves, we are going to talk about how God’s love illuminates human love.
Week 4 Thy will be done, or my will be done. Those who accept God’s will are His children. Those who choose their own will are children of the devil. God lavishes love on His children, transforming the center of their beings. Because His children are loved and accepted by Him, they perform loving acts…
Week 3 Love, obedience, honesty, and intimacy are tied together. A love relationship between two persons obliges each one to another to obey relationship boundaries and obey moral boundaries on self. When the boundaries are observed, intimacy grows. Honesty is one of those obligations. GOD acted on HIS obligations to us through HIS incarnation, death,…
Week 2 Love, obedience, honesty, and intimacy are tied together. A love relationship between two persons obliges each one to another to obey relationship boundaries and obey moral boundaries on self. When the boundaries are observed, intimacy grows. Honesty is one of those obligations. GOD acted on HIS obligations to us through HIS incarnation, death,…