Check out our sermon archive below. You can download the audio from each sermon.
“Habits” Too often, we make huge plans and major resolutions, and we get burned out when we can’t keep them. Learn how to make small, manageable, incremental changes that really add up. When we guard our words, make our thoughts obedient to Christ, and cultivate new actions, we can see long term life change. This series…
“Words” Too often, we make huge plans and major resolutions, and we get burned out when we can’t keep them. Learn how to make small, manageable, incremental changes that really add up. When we guard our words, make our thoughts obedient to Christ, and cultivate new actions, we can see long term life change. This series…
‘Thoughts” Too often, we make huge plans and major resolutions, and we get burned out when we can’t keep them. Learn how to make small, manageable, incremental changes that really add up. When we guard our words, make our thoughts obedient to Christ, and cultivate new actions, we can see long term life change. This series…
“Today You Will Be With Me” Our dying Savior blessed us with His famous last words. In this series, “Famous Last Words,” we unpack the depths and practical application of the final words Jesus uttered before giving His life.
“It is finished!” Our dying Savior blessed us with His famous last words. In this series, “Famous Last Words,” we unpack the depths and practical application of the final words Jesus uttered before giving His life.
“My God, My God, Why?” Our dying Savior blessed us with His famous last words. In this series, “Famous Last Words,” we unpack the depths and practical application of the final words Jesus uttered before giving His life.
“Father, Forgive Them” Our dying Savior blessed us with His famous last words. In this series, “Famous Last Words,” we unpack the depths and practical application of the final words Jesus uttered before giving His life.
“Hate” God loves every person on this planet. But He doesn’t love everything we do. So where exactly is that line and how should it shape our lives? Join us as we explore Love and Hate.