Celebrate Recovery
Uwharrie Community Church Student Annex
1510 Moss Springs Road, Albemarle, NC 28001
Meeting every Thursday evening
Dinner (Due to Covid-19 restrictions, we are currently not offering a meal prior to our weekly meetings. We will have single-serve coffee and canned drinks available.)
Worship and lesson/testimony 6:30-7:30p
Small Groups 7:30-8:00p
What to Expect at a CR Meeting:
At 6:30p we meet in a Large Group format for 45 mins. There is a time of worship music followed by a recovery lesson and/or a testimony.
The next half-hour, we break into small groups, by gender and struggle, to allow for individual sharing. All groups share on the topics of the evening’s lesson and are led by a ministry leader that has successfully completed the 12 step recovery program. All small groups are gender-specific, confidential, caring, and open to all newcomers
Is Celebrate Recovery for you?
Celebrate Recovery offers the opportunity to participate in a group fellowship where love and hope combine with God’s purpose to mend our lives. Ask yourself:
Are there things in my life that I do that hurt others?
Is there something I wish I could live without?
Is it time to crack my denial and admit I am not
in control of my life? -
Do I have a painful hurt, habit, or hang-up
from which I need to be freed?
If you answered “yes” to any of these statements then we urge you to attend a Celebrate Recovery meeting to see if it is for you.
Who Needs It?
Anyone ready to start a new life
The churched and the un-churched
Men and women
The addicted and their families
The guilty, sad, or compulsive
Anyone in need of recovery
Who Leads It?
Celebrate Recovery is conducted by Christians who have been through 12-step recovery themselves. We understand. Many have been dealt tragic blows in their lives. Our choices cause painful and lingering consequences, leading to guilt, remorse, grief, and shame. Our leaders truly understand and lead others.